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1936 Chevrolet Panal Truck Study #1


1936 Chevrolet Panal Truck Study #1

1936 Chevrolet Panal Truck Study #1


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This particular panel truck is the well known Hemmings model located in Bennington, Vermont. This truck made the rounds for years at shows and parades and even in long-distance rallies (including Brock Yates's infamous Cannonball Run!).

Chevrolet's 1934 introduction of its all-new DB series commercial vehicles marked the first time Chevrolet's light-duty trucks and standard passenger cars truly diverged, each with its own sheetmetal. Fenders more fully enveloped the wheels than previous trucks for a smoother, rounder look all around, Chevrolet would keep the overall design through the 1936 FB series, when the vertical slots in the hood gave way to horizontal ones and a Chevrolet bowtie emblem mounted above them appeared for the first time on half-ton models. By 1936 Chevrolet was one of three dominant makers of light trucks in America. You could buy this model new for $566.

Comes as an 8x10 on acid free matting.

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